spin dogtors

about us

Spin Dogtors is constantly changing our lives, giving meaning, dynamic, passion and character to them. It is motivating us to reach the best.

Spin dogtors

that is, who?

The name Spin Dogtors reflects our breeding thought and courses of action. It has multiple meanings. It was copied from the term ‘spin doctor’ – a specialist whose whose expertise is in generating positive image and taking actions which are supposed to bring a desirable effect.
Spin Dogtors is focused on creating a positive image by proper attitude towards dogs, looking after their well-being and including including good quality, healthy, with very good body posture and good personality dogs in our kennel.
Spin Dogtors is also a kennel that is focused on building positive, honest and sincere relations with the owners of our puppies.
We aim to reach intended breeding targets. Additionally, we are concentrating on constant development and gaining new skills by taking part in courses, trainings, seminars, workshops and lectures.
In our understanding, ‘Spin Dogtors’ means crazy/hurtling dogs that constantly change our lives, giving them a new sense, dynamic, passion and character. They motivate us to reach for the best.
Finally, Spin Dogtors are our ‘personal therapists’ who bring optimism, joy and happiness into our lives.

The first border collie – Zygzak, moved in with us in 2015. He influenced our lives quintessentially and irreversibly. We took part in dog shows and trick shows with him. After three years of assorting with Zygzak, I started thinking about fulfilling my biggest childhood dream – participating in shows and having a purebred kennel. We moved to Nadrzecze – a small village located in scenic Roztocze in south-eastern Poland – to make this dream happen.

Soon we started to look for a female border collie. After many hours of thinking, analysing, endless kennels’ web searching and few months of waiting, Prada appeared in our house. Later on, everything went off rapidly. There were shows, victories and titles. We started taking part in trainings, lectures and seminars and at the beginning of 2015 we registered the name ‘Spin Dogtors’.

Spin Dogtors is a kennel under the aegis of the FCI and the Polish Kennel Club.